
Doc's Garage specializes in all your general automotive needs from A to Z.

We have 3 generations of Alignment and tire experience. We are a state certified shop for auto repair including your pesky check engine lights and emission issues. We cover all your basic maintenance needs from your 30K service to your 90K service.

Our Vision
Our Mission

Get the best price from us


Suitable for freelancers and personal worker
$ 39 
billed monthly or
$30 billed annually
  • Choose your data center
  • Built for speed
  • Powerful administration
  • Highly secure network
  • Self-healing technology
  • Staging areas
  • Expert support


Suitable for freelancers and personal worker
$ 69 
billed monthly or
$50 billed annually
  • Choose your data center
  • Built for speed
  • Powerful administration
  • Highly secure network
  • Self-healing technology
  • Staging areas
  • Expert support


Suitable for freelancers and personal worker
$ 99 
billed monthly or
$80 billed annually
  • Choose your data center
  • Built for speed
  • Powerful administration
  • Highly secure network
  • Self-healing technology
  • Staging areas
  • Expert support

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